segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

Inglês, 9º ano: “Stop Discrimination!”

Um dos temas trabalhados pelos alunos do 9º ano nas aulas de Inglês foi a Discriminação e os Direitos Humanos. Nas nossas aulas falámos sobre a importância de respeitar as diferenças entre as pessoas. Para assinalar o Dia Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, que se comemorou a 10 de Dezembro, os alunos foram desafiados a elaborar trabalhos criativos com o tema “Stop Discrimination!” e todos eles superaram este desafio, fazendo cartazes, vídeos, apresentações e representações. Depois escreveram textos sobre o tema.

Professora da disciplina de Inglês, Helena Soares.

Discrimination and Racism,
by Cristiano Guerreiro 

I think that education is the solution for the problems of discrimination and racism.
It is very important to learn to respect other people and to be tolerant with each other.
People see that we are all different and they should not give any importance to the differences of race, culture, physical appearance, language and so on.
In conclusion, we are all different but in reality we are equal, so we should enjoy other people’s differences.

by Beatriz Godinho 9ºA
Do you think most people who are discriminated feel happy about this? Do you think it’s fun to discriminate people who are deaf, blind, dumb, people in wheelchairs, people who are amputated? Would you like being discriminated? You don’t think about this, do you? If you were in that situation, you wouldn’t like being discriminated. Think about it, people with a disability don’t like being treated like that.

Discrimination, what can I say about it?,
by Teresa Nunes 9ºA

     Everybody knows that´s wrong! Why do they still do it?!
People who are discriminated feel bad and alone. Some people think it´s fun to discriminate and make other people feel bad but in the end that does not make them feel good.
We should all “hold hands” and make everyone feel happy and loved.
Would you like it if someone discriminated you? Then why do you discriminate? People have the right to be themselves. No one has the right to make other people feel bad. We all have the right to have our own religion, culture, race, traditions…
So if you don´t want to be discriminated, don´t discriminate!
STOP can make the difference.

1 comentário:

  1. Great Job.
    I suppose some of my students in Fortaleza would like to develop something about this.
